About Amcor

How AMCOR Powers Trust in the Data Economy


As one of the world’s premier Data Privacy Management (DPM) companies, AMCOR powers trust in the data economy by helping companies to gather and use data spanning mobile, web, cloud and advertising outlets.

Our cloud- based DPM offers high technology features, such as advertising compliance controls, website monitoring, privacy assessments and certifications.

All AMCOR solutions are designed to allow businesses to create marketing programs and products, that are new and innovative, while maintaining the optimum practices to provide customer’s choice, accountability and transparency concerning the gathering and use of personal information.

In the view of AMCOR, integrity and performance are the two main components of that allow trust to function. Ethics, intent, and respect, are also included under the component integrity. Performance encompasses how well a business has dealt with providing results that are acceptable by standards set by AMCOR, and whether the business provides answers to customer concerns promptly, and to the customers satisfaction.

AMCOR makes certain that lofty standards for trust, are not only set, but also maintained. Providing customers and businesses with a reliable, and impartial source, when it comes to matters of trust. We supply expert advice, as well as educational information, and do so at no cost with easy access.

Accreditation with AMCOR is viewed as an honor, and while not all businesses will meet the requirements for acceptance, those which do will be given an invitation to join AMCOR. Before given an invitation to join though, the Board of Directors (designees) review all potential businesses, and determine whether or not to make them an AMCOR Accredited Business. For more information on our Accreditation Standards, simply click here.

Every AMCOR Accredited Business, has accepted to follow our Standards for Trust. Our Standards of Trust include procedures, policies, and leading practices for dealing with customers honestly and fairly, 100 % of the time. To learn more about our Standards of Trust, click here.

While AMCOR doesn’t provide side by side comparisons of businesses, it does gauge how businesses stack up to our standards, which provide a clear assessment of the competence and character of a company.

For impartial information on businesses, AMCOR is the leading resource. Our family of AMCOR operations, both locally and nationally, allow us to observe and provide help to consumers with any numbers of issues, at any time.

Our Values


Aim to do the best that we are capable of, while being accountable to not only our members, but also the general public and one another for everything that we do. Attempt to provide the best quality service possible, with excellence, in a consistent manner everywhere we operate.


Conduct all of our business activities honestly and ethically. To learn from our mistakes, while also treating everyone with integrity and being able to keep our promises. Also, to be honest and ethical, while holding strong to our professional views.


Work together as one to meet our goals. Doing so by using good communication, cooperation and collaboration across both organizational and territorial boundaries.


Trust in ourselves, and those we work with within the AMCOR family. Communicate both honestly and sincerely, saying what we mean and meaning what we say.


People are our core asset, and feel it is best to deal with them with respect, and dignity, while also valuing their individual needs and cultural differences. By encouraging them to develop and use their skills, talents and abilities to the fullest, they will become empowered.

Our Mission

At AMCOR, our mission is to be first site people think of when trying to advance marketplace trust.

  • To help form a group of trustworthy businesses
  • Put standards in for marketplace trust
  • Holding the best practices at a high esteem
  • Honoring good examples and role models in the marketplace
  • Rejecting unsatisfactory behavior in the marketplace

When it comes to trust in the marketplace, AMCOR is the principle guide, most dependable evaluator, and most unbiased expert, when dealing with the matter of trust in the marketplace.

Our Vision

A reputable marketplace that allows buyers and sellers to do business with trust in one another.

Our Products

  • Websites Privacy
    Look over your privacy statement, and make sure that it isn’t too difficult to read or understand. To gain customer trust, you should present your...
  • Your EU Certification
    Learn how to make a flawless EU Certification Your EU certification allows regulators and consumers to understand that you meet the requirements for the EU...
  • COPPA / Kids Privacy
    Follow COPPA regulations. COPPA is triggered if you attempt to collect both personal information and information related to age. Therefore do not indicate that you...
  • PII of Your Customers
    Treat PII used for testimonials, respectfully. Many websites which are certified by AMCOR, use customer testimonials to solidify marketing messages and lend credibility to their...
  • Websites Security
    Think about synchronizing your privacy and security. Many company’s security and privacy teams strive for the same goals, however not all of them work together....
  • Mobile Privacy
    1. Mobile devices present more easily compromised data Small and portable, mobile devices are extremely convenient to use. They are also extremely vulnerable to device...