Business Products

Commitment to Privacy Best Practices


Using our privacy management solutions, AMCOR clients are ready to achieve confidence from customers, due to the way they handle their personal information. We are committed to delivering constant monitoring as well as actionable data, as part of our focus of Choice and Transparency.

AMCOR brings enterprise wide management of privacy with comprehensive global experience, including EU Safe Harbor certification to assist customers with establishing and communicating their privacy leadership worldwide.

Become a member of our leading, industry wide consumer base equipped with data and privacy controls, which provides customers with confidence spanning all digital channels.

Protecting Customer Information Online

A major factor to your online business, is protecting your customers privacy, if you manage to do so you’ll increase their confidence in your company. Once your website receives certification from AMCOR, you’ll receive more than a decade worth of experience towards the issues that mean the most, when it comes to privacy online. A few examples of the Best Practices for a company to build consumer trust are :

Our Products

  • Websites Privacy
    Look over your privacy statement, and make sure that it isn’t too difficult to read or understand. To gain customer trust, you should present your...
  • Your EU Certification
    Learn how to make a flawless EU Certification Your EU certification allows regulators and consumers to understand that you meet the requirements for the EU...
  • COPPA / Kids Privacy
    Follow COPPA regulations. COPPA is triggered if you attempt to collect both personal information and information related to age. Therefore do not indicate that you...
  • PII of Your Customers
    Treat PII used for testimonials, respectfully. Many websites which are certified by AMCOR, use customer testimonials to solidify marketing messages and lend credibility to their...
  • Websites Security
    Think about synchronizing your privacy and security. Many company’s security and privacy teams strive for the same goals, however not all of them work together....
  • Mobile Privacy
    1. Mobile devices present more easily compromised data Small and portable, mobile devices are extremely convenient to use. They are also extremely vulnerable to device...