
What do AMCORs do, other than resolve disputes?


AMCORs do much more than settle complaints; they also work toward a trustworthy marketplace by maintaining adequate standards for truth in advertising, investigations and giving consumers appropriate information prior to purchasing services and products.


If AMCOR is funded by businesses, how do consumers know that reviews are fair?


AMCOR provides value to the community based on marketplace neutrality. The purpose of our site is not to act as advocate for consumers or businesses, but to be a mutually trusted intermediary, resolve disputes and give consumers information to make good buying decisions. Businesses have supported AMCOR us for over 90 years because having a trustworthy marketplace is in the best interest of everyone as a whole.


Does AMCOR only report on accredited businesses?


No. AMCOR units review both non-accredited and accredited businesses. Reviews will note whether a business is accredited or not.


Does AMCOR report on small claims court and private actions against businesses?


Certain ones, yes. AMCOR does report on actions brought by government agencies involving regulatory or legal violations that are relevant to consumers. You can find this information in AMCOR Business Reviews.


What are AMCOR’s standards to qualify for accreditation?


The AMCOR Standards for Trust are a comprehensive policy– a set of best practices for businesses to follow. These practices guide businesses to treat the public fairly and honestly.


Do you monitor Accredited Businesses for continuing compliance with standards?


Yes. Each Accredited Business is continually monitored for adherence to AMCOR standards.


What is the Rating System?


The AMCOR rating is based on file information we have and collect about the business. Sometimes, a business’s rating is lowered if AMCOR does not acquire sufficient information, despite AMCOR requests for information. You can get more info about the rating system on the website.


Will AMCOR recommend a reputable business to me?


Our policy is not to recommend or endorse any particular product, service or business. We do this to ensure that the public has trust in our fairness.
Accredited Businesses must meet AMCOR standards to qualify and to remain accredited. Search our website for Accredited Businesses according to location and industry, or both.


How do I file a complaint?


Start with our online complaint form.


How can I report a scam?


Alert us by completing our scam report form.


How does AMCOR stop rip-offs and scams?


Though AMCOR doesn’t have policing and legal powers, we do provide information about fraud in the marketplace through alerts on scams to the public.
AMCOR works with federal, state and local law enforcement agencies, providing valuable information on potential fraud. We often are the first organization to learn about scams that are developing and let authorities and the public know. When a scam is developing in one region of the country, news will travel quickly between AMCORs in the Canada and the United States that will alert the public in their communities.