AMCOR’s Privacy Programs provide the latest technology when it comes to consumer protections and setting up major privacy regulations. Each certification course has different and unique requirements based on the platform; for instance mobile applications and/or regulatory guidelines like COPPA. Our course requirements are used as the standard to assess and certify the online privacy policies of a company; these requirements are at the core of our mission. Truth in privacy is used to support transparency, choice and accountability while collecting and using personal information. Companies which display our certification seal have demonstrated their compliance with our program guidelines and have committed to privacy protection. This gives users of their products and services added trust and confidence.

AMCOR’s program guidelines integrate rules from privacy structures ingrained by the FTC, APEC and the OECD, and they also mirror the feedback from clients, advocates, regulators and consumers. As technology continues to evolve, so too does privacy; we monitor privacy processes in both the private and public sectors and amend our program policies when needed. We work closely with clients to apply new program requirements; these ensure that clients can deploy to-the-minute products and services while still remaining confident of adequate privacy protections.