AMCOR Standards for Trust

Build Trust

Create and conserve a promising track record in the marketplace.

Advertise Honestly

Sticking to a predetermined set of standards for selling and advertising.

Tell the Truth

Represent products and services honestly, while also providing full, clear disclosures of all material terms.

Be Transparent

Be open when identifying the location, type of business, or ownership of the company. Also be clear when disclosing policies, guarantees and procedures that impact the decision making of the customer to buy.

Honor Promises

Stick to all verbal and written agreements or representations.

Be Responsive

Handle marketplace problems fast, professionally and honestly.

Safeguard Privacy

To protect and secure any data or information that is collected, and to keep it from being mishandled or being used for fraud. To respect a consumer’s choice of how and which information they want to allow to be used, only gathering personal information when it is needed.

Embody Integrity

Use integrity when dealing with all matters of business including commitments, marketplace transactions, etc.

Privacy Matters

Privacy is one of the most important factors in any business strategy. Customers need to know that they can trust you when it comes to matters relating to their personal information, and the way you are handling it, whether it be selling online, providing an online service, collecting contact information, etc.

Comprehensive Privacy Suite

When it comes to managing the privacy of your data or information, we have methods to help across various online resources including cloud, web, mobile, etc.

Global Presence

AMCOR operates globally, and provides worldwide coverage, so whether you need our service in the U.S., Asia, Europe, etc., we can help to provide you with a privacy management program to help keep your company protected.

Cost Effective

We provide our customers with a variety of different packages, these packages were created to meet the needs of both small and large businesses. If you are seeking solutions for multiple sites or applications, you will receive a discount on the service we provide to you.

Extensive Regulatory Experience

AMCOR has more than 15 years experience dealing with regulators, as well as privacy companies, throughout the world. This helps to ensure the requirements we put in place for privacy programs, allowing us to better keep up with the changing standards globally.

Proven Results

AMCOR’s Certified Privacy Seal is a sure fire way to increase average size of an order, form completion rates, e commerce conversations, etc. It has even been proven through testing, so let us demonstrate how our free A/B evaluation service can be of help to your business, and it’s performance.

Robust Technology Practice

Put together by experienced professionals from security and ad tech companies, and used by AMCOR to provide help and support to our thousands of clients worldwide. Our infrastructure provides flexible and reliable support for the needs of your business.

Flexible Service and Support

Whether you have a small business or a large one, we have members of our team that can handle the needs of your account. Our client service team is experienced with companies of all sizes, and in various different industries.

Large/Loyal Client Base

Becoming a client of AMCOR, would put you amongst the over 5,000 other companies in our loyal network, while also giving you the benefit of being associated with reputable brands, that are known globally.

AMCOR Consumer Brand

Amcor Certified Privacy seals are highly visible in the online world, appearing on billions of unique web pages, apps and ads. Every month you obtain the right to display the #1 privacy trustmark in the industry, showing your company’s dedication to privacy.

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