Recent Posts by admin

Privacy Solutions for Cloud Platforms

Business Challenges - By being a provider of SaaS or cloud platforms, the success of your business greatly relies on your ability to process vast amounts of your customers personal information, while also operating within both the industry, and regulatory guidelines for processing data. - Your company is experiencing quick growth into new geographical markets,…
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Solutions for Ad Networks and Platforms

Business Challenges - Whether it be an ad network, SSP, DSP, exchange, etc., the goal is still the same, to collect, manage, and share a vast variety of consumer information. This information is then provided to customers, so that they can better manage their advertising programs. However it is extremely difficult to manage the data…
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Solutions for App Developers

Business Challenges - Developing apps can open doors to a vast and rapidly expanding market. With that though comes all the new challenges such as managing multiple platforms and device sizes, identification systems without cookies, and various government and industry guidelines that have to followed. - You gather and use consumer information to help you…
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Privacy Solutions for B2B Brands

Business Challenges - B2B brands gather and use customer information to customize their content and the user engagement on your site and mobile apps. By increasing the amount of information being used and collected comes a higher risk to privacy, your brand and compliance. - Your information is shared with third parties, these third parties…
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