How Can AMCOR Downloads Work for You ?

By using the AMCOR Downloads seal, you will increase the consumers confidence at the point of download and make them aware of the AMCOR standing of the software. Ultimately making your customers feel safer knowing that you’ve taken the measures needed to follow industry best practices.

We provide support on responsible behavior to Downloadable Software Developers

Set standards to lead the industry for developers that create apps and trustworthy consumer apps, for both distributors and marketers.

An invitation to join an exclusive industry recognized safe software Whitelist

The Whitelist is the only one in the entire industry, and provides a reference tool to differentiate responsible software apps, from those that are not. All applications on the Whitelist are certified as safe software.

We help you build consumer confidence as well as build your reputation

With an AMCORd Software Seal, consumers view your apps as responsible and safe, by noticing the seal at the point of download.

We help to provide resolutions to disputes

Online data collection complaints from consumers are handled with dispute resolution.

AMCORd Downloads is the first program of its kind for software standards in the industry. AMCORd Downloads directs ad dollars and distribution opportunities, to affiliate networks and programs, who value customer preference.

Applications that are certified, are then place on the first, and only of its kind, industry recognized Whitelist for safe software programs. The Whitelist can be used by online advertisers, search providers, etc., to make decisions regarding partnering, distribution, or advertising related to software. AMCORd Downloads certification is a blend of constant monitoring, stern standards, detailed review, enforcement mechanisms and commanding market incentives to ensure safe downloads. AMCORd Download certified businesses supply consumers with complete disclosures, simple uninstall, control mechanisms, and high regard for their personal data.

The programs permits businesses to demonstrate :

– see through distribution process

– clear declaration and informed consent before download

– simple uninstall

– respecting the end user

Your Digital Footprint, Powered by the AMCOR Privacy Platform

It is critical to understand what tracking activities your consumers are exposed to, especially if your company spans across the digital world. If done correctly, tracking gives valuable insight to user preferences and behaviors, notifies you of cross platform traffic, while also allowing you to determine which campaigns propel the premier ROI.

AMCOR Website Monitoring Service is used by Fortune 1000 customers to watch and command data collection, across all their digital assets.

AMCOR provides the most workable information in the market, it’s not only simple, but affordable, and scalable and pertinent to all business types.

The Monitoring Service has morphed to become a cutting edge platform allowing brands, publishers and ad networks, with the crucial awareness to make educated choices that increase ROI, while improving regulatory and policy compliance. We not only inform our clients of any web tracking activity that may occur, but also certify compliance to the EU Directive of Data Protection, while maintaining monitoring. We stay current with the most recent set of Safe Harbor Privacy Principles, so that we can assist our customers to maintain compliance of the directive.

Using our thorough monitoring and Ad Choices footprint that provides service to over two billion impressions, we have collected and grouped, the most in depth database of industry third party data collectors.

Our easy to use reporting portal, makes it simple for companies to comprehend and command tracking activity.

The Website Monitoring Features include :

– Strong Scanning Technology and Reporting

– capable of unlimited scanning

– receive fully exportable reports in real time, when and where you want them

– customizable scans that give you the choice to scan while logged in as a user

– Comprehensive Discovery

– All tracking techs are exposed ( pixel tags, web beacons, cookies, etc.)

– The “daisy chain” is exposed, the tracker source, including type and location are uncovered in its entirety.

– Evaluation and scoring of tracker severity by third parties using an exclusive algorithm to calculate Privacy Sensitive Index or PSI.

– Vendor Management

– the ability to manage your list of approved vendors, directly by using the customer portal

– Tracker Alerting

– access to automatic alerts via email and in the customer portal, whenever unauthorized tracking is taking place

– Performance Analysis

– determine which third parties are affecting your website in a negative fashion

– EU Cookie Directive Certification

– we provide the latest guidelines for compliance with the EU Cookie Directive

– we also perform constant monitoring of customer compliance with Safe Harbor Principles

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